Saturday, January 31, 2009

Teach Summer VBS in Ukraine

The cities in bold on the map below indicates the 14 locations for the Thoughts of Faith assisting the Ukrainian Lutheran carry out the Vacation Bible School from June 30 to July 14, 2009. For more information about the ToF - Ukraine 2009 VBS program, please e-mail Pam Schultz at:

Altar Construction in Ozolnieki, Latvia

A member of the Ozolnieki, Latvia congregation is constructing the altar for their new church building. Follow the progress below from beginning of construction to use for their worship service.

New Church Building in Ozolnieki, Latvia

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ukraine VBS Presentation in Golden Valley, Minnesota

On Sunday January 25, 2009, Polly Joubert and Kermit Traska made a presentation about the 2008 Ukraine VBS program at King of Grace Lutheran Church in Golden Valley, Minnesota. Polly has taught VBS in Ukraine for five years and plans to teach again this summer. Polly has also served on the Ukraine VBS Planning Committee helping specifically with developing the craft projects for the VBS program.

One of the purposes of the presentation was to recruit additional volunteer teachers for the 2009 Ukraine VBS program. Would you consider teaching VBS in Ukraine this summer? For more information, see previous posts on this webpage or contact the Thoughts of Faith office toll-free at 877-892-4718 or by e-mail to Pam Schultz at

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Need to Fill the Shipping Container

The Thoughts of Faith Gift of Life (GoL) program has been providing material aid to the needy in Ukraine for more than 15 years. Once a year, the GoL program has sent a 40-foot cargo container to Ternopil, Ukraine. From there the aid is distributed through the congregations of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church and the GoL five pro-life counseling centers.
With the Thoughts of Faith program being taken in by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod’s Foreign Mission Board and being moved to Mankato, Minnesota, this will be the last year for sending the container to Ukraine. The shipment will be made in early April and we need approximately 1,100 boxes to fill this container. We have received enough material aid to fill about two-thirds of the container and need more donations by the end of March.

The most needed material aid includes: toothpaste, toothbrushes and dental floss; hand soap (liquid/bar) deodorant, shampoo; Kleenex, toilet issue, paper towels, cotton balls and Q Tips; infant diapers - cloth and disposable, diaper pins, diaper wipes; clean and gently used or new maternity, infant and children’s clothing; clean and gently used or new bedding such as quilts, blankets, sheets, pillows and cases; and bath and hand towels. These items can be brought to or sent to the ToF office in Oregon, Wisconsin.

Monetary contributions are also needed to help defray the cost for shipping the container to Ukraine. Donations designated for the GoL program can be made on-line at or by mail to Thoughts of Faith, 280 W. Netherwood Road, Oregon, WI 53575.

Friday, January 16, 2009

2009 Ukraine VBS Planning Committee

Thoughts of Faith (ToF) Lutheran Mission Society, a church-related organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, has for more than 10 years partnered with the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) to plan and carry out an extensive Vacation Bible School (VBS) program. In keeping with the “Great Commission,” the goal of the VBS program is to spread the saving Gospel message to unbelievers throughout Ukraine.

The 2009 Ukraine VBS Planning Committee is pictured above. They have already met three times and are developing the Bible lesson plans, craft projects, songs in English and Ukrainian and simple English lessons. A five-year lesson plan has been developed and we are currently in the third year of that plan with the theme: Jesus Gives Freedom.

Volunteers are needed to carry out this important program. In the summer of 2008 there were 46 volunteers, including students from Luther Prep, WISCO, Michigan Lutheran Seminary, Bethany Lutheran College and Wisconsin Lutheran College. The dates for 2009 are June 30 through July 14. The minimum age requirement for high school students is to currently be in their junior or senior year of high school.

For more information, please e-mail

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Busy Night at the Gift of Life Warehouse

Pioneers from Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Madison, Wisconsin

On Tuesday evening, January 6, 2009, 26 children and 9 adults came to the Thoughts of Faith office in Oregon, Wisconsin to deliver, sort and pack material aid for the Gift of Life program in Ukraine. The visitors are members of the Pioneer program from Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Madison, Wisconsin. After unpacking the cars and trucks, there was a devotion that explained Epiphany and Thoughts of Faith Director, Kermit Traska, explained that this IS Christmas Eve in Ukraine because they follow the Eastern calendar. The energetic youngsters worked for about an hour filling 18 boxes with a variety of childrens clothes. Following the packing all enjoyed refreshments before departing for home with a better understanding of what all is involved in collecting, sorting, packing and shipping material aid to Ukraine. Thank you Our Redeemer Pioneers for all you have done.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ukrainian Lutheran Church Begins Deacon Education Project

Resurrection congregation in Kyiv, is in the midst of the deacon education program. Professor John Vogt, Rector of St. Sophia Seminary, has already taught two sessions there. Fourteen people attended the Rector’s recent class, including three pastors who sat in to audit a session. A fifteenth regular attendee was home with the flu.

The deacon education curriculum with the emphasis on the practical aspects of church work has been developed. Half of the courses will be taught by the local pastor as a way to build a sense of team and partnership between the pastor and his helpers. The other half of the courses will be taught by seminary staff members who will travel to local congregations to conduct short courses. Ninety-minute classes each week would allow a person to complete the entire curriculum in about nine months. A diploma will be awarded to those who complete the courses, and their congregation will be encouraged to call them for some form of useful service. It is hoped that such training will also arouse interest in some men, especially younger ones, to continue their studies and become pastors. One beauty of this plan is that it can be done with little cost. The only cost is the travel expense of the seminary presenters.

We ask your prayers that God will lead other ULC congregations to seize this opportunity so the Ukrainian Lutheran Church continues to grow toward maturity and self-support.

Rev. John Vogt, Rector, St. Sophia Seminary