Monday, December 22, 2008

Children's Christmas Service in Plzen, Czech Republic

Every year the children who attend Martin Luther School in Plzen, Czech Republic, present special music and Bible recitations during our Christmas services at St. Paul's Congregation. Two children's services were held on Sunday, December 14. At the 10 AM service, the children in Grades 3-6 participated. In the 5 PM service, the children in Kindergarten and Grades 1 and 2 sang the special carols they had prepared. The services were very well attended with a total attendance for the 2 services of about 400 people.

In some ways, our children's services in Plzen are similar to children's Christmas services in the US. Through their songs and recitations, the children present the wonderful message of Christ's birth to their parents and the members of their churches. But there is one major and significant difference. Most of our Czech school children do not have believing parents or grandparents. So when they sing their songs and recite the verses they have memorized, they have the wonderful opportunity to witness to their own parents. Pray for the Lord to richly bless the message of salvation that our children have shared with their parents and other family members.

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