Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Work Day in Milwaukee at Two Tunics

"The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same." Luke 3:11

This verse comes from Two Tunics organization in Milwaukee where companies in America donate overstock items to be distributed through nonprofit organizations. On Monday February 16, 2009, workers from Trinity Lutheran in Waukesha and Oregon met at the Corp Care warehouse and spent three hours processing the donated clothing in anticipation of the April material aid shipment to Ukraine. The workers processed more than 3,000 articles of clothing in approximately 90 boxes. Items included a variety of infant, youth and adult clothing. "Many hands make light work" exemplifies the hard work put in by the volunteers. Thank you very much.

Prepared for Thoughts of Faith.

Processing the clothing.

Every piece had to be handled carefully.

Lots of new socks.

Ready for boxing.

Adding up all of the pieces.

The work crew. Thank you very much!!

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