Monday, July 6, 2009

VBS in Kamyanets-Podilski

Monday July 6, 2009

Volunteer VBS teachers in Kamyanets-Podilskiy (left to right) James McCulloch, Rev. Neal Schroeder, Judy McCulloch and Selah Elmquist.

The opening devotion was led by Pastor Andriy Honcharuk of the Kamyanets-Podilskiy congregation. The congregation meets in the local chess club.

There were 27 students in the first day of classes. They were encouraged to bring their friends for Tuesday.

The 2009 VBS lesson book and a Ukrainian Bible.

The students couldn't wait to start coloring.

Lunch for the volunteers included homemade borshch made by Oksana Mrychkovskiy, wife of the congregation president.

After lunch Victor Mrychkovskiy drove me half way to Ivano-Frankivsk where we were met by Pastor Serhiy Romanyuk for the remainder of the trip. Tomorrow I will visit the VBS program in Ivano-Frankivsk and add more photos.

Kermit Traska

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